1 Chronicles.12

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Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they were among the mighty men, helpers of the war.


These are the men who joined David in Ziklag; it was during the time he was banished by Saul the son of Kish; they were among the Mighty Men, good fighters.


These were the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was banished from the presence of Saul son of Kish (they were among the warriors who helped him in battle;


Now these were the men who came to David at Ziklag while he was still a fugitive from Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men, helpers in the war,


The following men joined David at Ziklag while he was hiding from Saul son of Kish. They were among the warriors who fought beside David in battle.


They were armed with bows, and could use both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows out of a bow, even of Saul's brethren of Benjamin.


They were armed with bows and could sling stones and shoot arrows either right- or left-handed. They hailed from Saul's tribe, Benjamin.


they were armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed; they were kinsmen of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin):


armed with bows, using both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows with the bow. They were of Benjamin, Saul's brethren.


All of them were expert archers, and they could shoot arrows or sling stones with their left hand as well as their right. They were all relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin.


The chief was Ahiezer, then Joash, the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; and Jeziel, and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth; and Berachah, and Jehu the Antothite,


The first was Ahiezer; then Joash son of Shemaah the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu the Anathothite;


Ahiezer their chief and Joash the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah, Jehu the Anathothite,


The chief was Ahiezer, then Joash, the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Berachah, and Jehu the Anathothite;


Their leader was Ahiezer son of Shemaah from Gibeah; his brother Joash was second-in-command. These were the other warriors: Jeziel and Pelet, sons of Azmaveth; Beracah and Jehu from Anathoth;


And Ismaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the thirty, and over the thirty; and Jeremiah, and Jahaziel, and Johanan, and Josabad the Gederathite,


Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a Mighty Man among the Thirty, a leader of the Thirty; Jeremiah; Jahaziel; Johanan; Jozabad the Gederathite;


and Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the Thirty, who was a leader of the Thirty; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, Jozabad the Gederathite,


Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the thirty, and over the thirty; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad the Gederathite;


Ishmaiah from Gibeon, a famous warrior and leader among the Thirty; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad from Gederah;


Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and Bealiah, and Shemariah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite,


Eluzai; Jerimoth; Bealiah; Shemariah; Shephatiah the Haruphite;


Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah and Shephatiah the Haruphite;


Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite;


Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, and Shephatiah from Haruph;


Elkanah, and Jesiah, and Azareel, and Joezer, and Jashobeam, the Korhites,


Elkanah; Isshiah; Azarel; Joezer; Jashobeam; the Korahites;


Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer and Jashobeam the Korahites;


Elkanah, Jisshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Jashobeam, the Korahites;


Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Jashobeam, who were Korahites;


And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham of Gedor.


and Joelah and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham from Gedor.


and Joelah and Zebadiah the sons of Jeroham from Gedor.


and Joelah and Zebadiah the sons of Jeroham of Gedor.


Joelah and Zebadiah, sons of Jeroham from Gedor.


And of the Gadites there separated themselves unto David into the hold to the wilderness men of might, and men of war fit for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains;


There were some Gadites there who had defected to David at his wilderness fortress; they were seasoned and eager fighters who knew how to handle shield and spear. They were wild in appearance, like lions, but as agile as gazelles racing across the hills.


Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the desert. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains.


Some Gadites joined David at the stronghold in the wilderness, mighty men of valor, men trained for battle, who could handle shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles on the mountains:


Some brave and experienced warriors from the tribe of Gad also defected to David while he was at the stronghold in the wilderness. They were expert with both shield and spear, as fierce as lions and as swift as deer on the mountains.


Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,


Ezer was the first, then Obadiah, Eliab,


Ezer was the chief, Obadiah the second in command, Eliab the third,


Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,


Ezer was their leader. Obadiah was second. Eliab was third.


Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,


Mishmannah, Jeremiah,


Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,


Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,


Mishmannah was fourth. Jeremiah was fifth.


Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,


Attai, Eliel,


Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,


Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,


Attai was sixth. Eliel was seventh.


Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth,


Johanan, Elzabad,


Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth,


Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth,


Johanan was eighth. Elzabad was ninth.


Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the eleventh.


Jeremiah, and Macbannai--eleven of them.


Jeremiah the tenth and Macbannai the eleventh.


Jeremiah the tenth, and Machbanai the eleventh.


Jeremiah was tenth. Macbannai was eleventh.


These were of the sons of Gad, captains of the host: one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a thousand.


These Gadites were the cream of the crop--any one of them was worth a hundred lesser men, and the best of them were worth a thousand.


These Gadites were army commanders; the least was a match for a hundred, and the greatest for a thousand.


These were from the sons of Gad, captains of the army; the least was over a hundred, and the greatest was over a thousand.


These warriors from Gad were army commanders. The weakest among them could take on a hundred regular troops, and the strongest could take on a thousand!


These are they that went over Jordan in the first month, when it had overflown all his banks; and they put to flight all them of the valleys, both toward the east, and toward the west.


They were the ones who crossed the Jordan when it was at flood stage in the first month, and put everyone in the lowlands to flight, both east and west.


It was they who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing all its banks, and they put to flight everyone living in the valleys, to the east and to the west.


These are the ones who crossed the Jordan in the first month, when it had overflowed all its banks; and they put to flight all those in the valleys, to the east and to the west.


They crossed the Jordan River during its seasonal flooding at the beginning of the year and drove out all the people living in the lowlands on both the east and west banks.


And there came of the children of Benjamin and Judah to the hold unto David.


There were also men from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah who joined David in his wilderness fortress.


Other Benjamites and some men from Judah also came to David in his stronghold.


Then some of the sons of Benjamin and Judah came to David at the stronghold.


Others from Benjamin and Judah came to David at the stronghold.


And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.


When David went out to meet them, this is what he said: "If you have come in peace and to help me, you are most welcome to join this company; but if you have come to betray me to my enemies, innocent as I am, the God of our ancestors will see through you and bring judgment on you."


David went out to meet them and said to them, "If you have come to me in peace, to help me, I am ready to have you unite with me. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies when my hands are free from violence, may the God of our fathers see it and judge you."


And David went out to meet them, and answered and said to them, "If you have come peaceably to me to help me, my heart will be united with you; but if to betray me to my enemies, since there is no wrong in my hands, may the God of our fathers look and bring judgment."


David went out to meet them and said, "If you have come in peace to help me, we are friends. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies when I am innocent, then may the God of our ancestors see and judge you."


Then the spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band.


Just then Amasai chief of the Thirty, moved by God's Spirit, said, We're on your side, O David, We're committed, O son of Jesse; All is well, yes, all is well with you, And all's well with whoever helps you. Yes, for your God has helped and does help you. So David took them on and assigned them a place under the chiefs of the raiders.


Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said: "We are yours, O David! We are with you, O son of Jesse! Success, success to you, and success to those who help you, for your God will help you." So David received them and made them leaders of his raiding bands.


Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, chief of the captains, and he said: "We are yours, O David; We are on your side, O son of Jesse! Peace, peace to you, And peace to your helpers! For your God helps you." So David received them, and made them captains of the troop.


Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, who later became a leader among the Thirty, and he said, "We are yours, David! We are on your side, son of Jesse. Peace and prosperity be with you, and success to all who help you, for your God is the one who helps you." So David let them join him, and he made them officers over his troops.


And there fell some of Manasseh to David, when he came with the Philistines against Saul to battle: but they helped them not: for the lords of the Philistines upon advisement sent him away, saying, He will fall to his master Saul to the jeopardy of our heads.


Some from the tribe of Manasseh also defected to David when he started out with the Philistines to go to war against Saul. In the end, they didn't actually fight because the Philistine leaders, after talking it over, sent them home, saying, "We can't trust them with our lives--they'll betray us to their master Saul."


Some of the men of Manasseh defected to David when he went with the Philistines to fight against Saul. (He and his men did not help the Philistines because, after consultation, their rulers sent him away. They said, "It will cost us our heads if he deserts to his master Saul.")


And some from Manasseh defected to David when he was going with the Philistines to battle against Saul; but they did not help them, for the lords of the Philistines sent him away by agreement, saying, "He may defect to his master Saul and endanger our heads."


Some men from Manasseh defected from the Israelite army and joined David when he went with the Philistines to fight against Saul. But as it turned out, the Philistine leaders refused to let David and his men go with them. After much discussion, they sent them back, for they said, "It will cost us our lives if David switches loyalties to Saul and turns against us."


As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him of Manasseh, Adnah, and Jozabad, and Jediael, and Michael, and Jozabad, and Elihu, and Zilthai, captains of the thousands that were of Manasseh.


The men from Manasseh who defected to David at Ziklag were Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, all leaders among the families of Manasseh.


When David went to Ziklag, these were the men of Manasseh who defected to him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu and Zillethai, leaders of units of a thousand in Manasseh.


When he went to Ziklag, those of Manasseh who defected to him were Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, captains of the thousands who were from Manasseh.


Here is a list of the men from Manasseh who defected to David as he was returning to Ziklag: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai. Each commanded a thousand troops from the tribe of Manasseh.


And they helped David against the band of the rovers: for they were all mighty men of valour, and were captains in the host.


They helped David in his raids against the desert bandits; they were all stalwart fighters and good leaders among his raiders.


They helped David against raiding bands, for all of them were brave warriors, and they were commanders in his army.


And they helped David against the bands of raiders, for they were all mighty men of valor, and they were captains in the army.


They helped David chase down bands of raiders, for they were all brave and able warriors who became commanders in his army.


For at that time day by day there came to David to help him, until it was a great host, like the host of God.


Hardly a day went by without men showing up to help--it wasn't long before his band seemed as large as God's own army! [JC]


Day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God.


For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God.


Day after day more men joined David until he had a great army, like the army of God.


And these are the numbers of the bands that were ready armed to the war, and came to David to Hebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul to him, according to the word of the LORD.


Here are the statistics on the battle-seasoned warriors who came down from the north to David at Hebron to hand over Saul's kingdom, in accord with GOD's word:


These are the numbers of the men armed for battle who came to David at Hebron to turn Saul's kingdom over to him, as the LORD had said:


Now these were the numbers of the divisions that were equipped for war, and came to David at Hebron to turn over the kingdom of Saul to him, according to the word of the LORD:


These are the numbers of armed warriors who joined David at Hebron. They were all eager to see David become king instead of Saul, just as the LORD had promised.


The children of Judah that bare shield and spear were six thousand and eight hundred, ready armed to the war.


from Judah, carrying shield and spear, 6,800 battle-ready;


men of Judah, carrying shield and spear-6,800 armed for battle;


of the sons of Judah bearing shield and spear, six thousand eight hundred armed for war;


From the tribe of Judah, there were 6,800 warriors armed with shields and spears.


Of the children of Simeon, mighty men of valour for the war, seven thousand and one hundred.


from Simeon, 7,100 stalwart fighters;


men of Simeon, warriors ready for battle-7,100;


of the sons of Simeon, mighty men of valor fit for war, seven thousand one hundred;


From the tribe of Simeon, there were 7,100 warriors.


Of the children of Levi four thousand and six hundred.


from Levi, 4,600,


men of Levi-4,600,


of the sons of Levi four thousand six hundred;


From the tribe of Levi, there were 4,600 troops.


And Jehoiada was the leader of the Aaronites, and with him were three thousand and seven hundred;


which included Jehoiada leader of the family of Aaron, bringing 3,700 men


including Jehoiada, leader of the family of Aaron, with 3,700 men,


Jehoiada, the leader of the Aaronites, and with him three thousand seven hundred;


This included Jehoiada, leader of the family of Aaron, who had 3,700 under his command.


And Zadok, a young man mighty of valour, and of his father's house twenty and two captains.


and the young and stalwart Zadok with twenty-two leaders from his family;


and Zadok, a brave young warrior, with 22 officers from his family;


Zadok, a young man, a valiant warrior, and from his father's house twenty-two captains;


This also included Zadok, a young warrior, with twenty-two members of his family who were all officers.


And of the children of Benjamin, the kindred of Saul, three thousand: for hitherto the greatest part of them had kept the ward of the house of Saul.


from Benjamin, Saul's family, 3,000, most of whom had stuck it out with Saul until now;


men of Benjamin, Saul's kinsmen-3,000, most of whom had remained loyal to Saul's house until then;


of the sons of Benjamin, relatives of Saul, three thousand (until then the greatest part of them had remained loyal to the house of Saul);


From the tribe of Benjamin, Saul's relatives, there were 3,000 warriors. Most of the men from Benjamin had remained loyal to Saul until this time.


And of the children of Ephraim twenty thousand and eight hundred, mighty men of valour, famous throughout the house of their fathers.


from Ephraim, 20,800, fierce fighters and famous in their hometowns;


men of Ephraim, brave warriors, famous in their own clans-20,800;


of the sons of Ephraim twenty thousand eight hundred, mighty men of valor, famous men throughout their father's house;


From the tribe of Ephraim, there were 20,800 warriors, each famous in his own clan.


And of the half tribe of Manasseh eighteen thousand, which were expressed by name, to come and make David king.


from the half-tribe of Manasseh, 18,000 elected to come and make David king;


men of half the tribe of Manasseh, designated by name to come and make David king-18,000;


of the half-tribe of Manasseh eighteen thousand, who were designated by name to come and make David king;


From the half-tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan, 18,000 men were sent for the express purpose of helping David become king.


And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.


from Issachar, men who understood both the times and Israel's duties, 200 leaders with their families;


men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do-200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;


of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;


From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the temper of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.


Of Zebulun, such as went forth to battle, expert in war, with all instruments of war, fifty thousand, which could keep rank: they were not of double heart.


from Zebulun, 50,000 well-equipped veteran warriors, unswervingly loyal;


men of Zebulun, experienced soldiers prepared for battle with every type of weapon, to help David with undivided loyalty-50,000;


of Zebulun there were fifty thousand who went out to battle, expert in war with all weapons of war, stouthearted men who could keep ranks;


From the tribe of Zebulun, there were 50,000 skilled warriors. They were fully armed and prepared for battle and completely loyal to David.


And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.


from Naphtali, 1,000 chiefs leading 37,000 men heavily armed;


men of Naphtali-1,000 officers, together with 37,000 men carrying shields and spears;


of Naphtali one thousand captains, and with them thirty-seven thousand with shield and spear;


From the tribe of Naphtali, there were 1,000 officers and 37,000 warriors armed with shields and spears.


And of the Danites expert in war twenty and eight thousand and six hundred.


from Dan, 28,600 battle-ready men;


men of Dan, ready for battle-28,600;


of the Danites who could keep battle formation, twenty-eight thousand six hundred;


From the tribe of Dan, there were 28,600 warriors, all prepared for battle.


And of Asher, such as went forth to battle, expert in war, forty thousand.


from Asher, 40,000 veterans, battle-ready;


men of Asher, experienced soldiers prepared for battle-40,000;


of Asher, those who could go out to war, able to keep battle formation, forty thousand;


From the tribe of Asher, there were 40,000 trained warriors, all prepared for battle.


And on the other side of Jordan, of the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and of the half tribe of Manasseh, with all manner of instruments of war for the battle, an hundred and twenty thousand.


and from East of Jordan, men from Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, heavily armed, 120,000.


and from east of the Jordan, men of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, armed with every type of weapon-120,000.


of the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, from the other side of the Jordan, one hundred and twenty thousand armed for battle with every kind of weapon of war.


From the east side of the Jordan River--where the tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh lived--there were 120,000 troops armed with every kind of weapon.


All these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king.


All these soldiers came to David at Hebron, ready to fight if necessary; they were both united and determined to make David king over all Israel. And everyone else in Israel was of the same mind--"Make David king!"


All these were fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks. They came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. All the rest of the Israelites were also of one mind to make David king.


All these men of war, who could keep ranks, came to Hebron with a loyal heart, to make David king over all Israel; and all the rest of Israel were of one mind to make David king.


All these men came in battle array to Hebron with the single purpose of making David the king of Israel. In fact, all Israel agreed that David should be their king.


And there they were with David three days, eating and drinking: for their brethren had prepared for them.


They were with David for three days of feasting celebration, with food and drink supplied by their families.


The men spent three days there with David, eating and drinking, for their families had supplied provisions for them.


And they were there with David three days, eating and drinking, for their brethren had prepared for them.


They feasted and drank with David for three days, for preparations had been made by their relatives for their arrival.


Moreover they that were nigh them, even unto Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali, brought bread on asses, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, and meat, meal, cakes of figs, and bunches of raisins, and wine, and oil, and oxen, and sheep abundantly: for there was joy in Israel.


Neighbors ranging from as far north as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali arrived with donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen loaded down with food for the party: flour, fig cakes, raisin cakes, wine, oil, cattle, and sheep--joy in Israel!


Also, their neighbors from as far away as Issachar, Zebulun and Naphtali came bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules and oxen. There were plentiful supplies of flour, fig cakes, raisin cakes, wine, oil, cattle and sheep, for there was joy in Israel.


Moreover those who were near to them, from as far away as Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali, were bringing food on donkeys and camels, on mules and oxen--provisions of flour and cakes of figs and cakes of raisins, wine and oil and oxen and sheep abundantly, for there was joy in Israel.


And people from as far away as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali brought food on donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen. Vast supplies of flour, fig cakes, raisins, wine, olive oil, cattle, and sheep were brought to the celebration. There was great joy throughout the land of Israel.

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