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From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.


From the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, nothing's working right. Wounds and bruises and running sores--untended, unwashed, unbandaged.


From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness- only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with oil.


From the sole of the foot even to the head, There is no soundness in it, But wounds and bruises and putrefying sores; They have not been closed or bound up, Or soothed with ointment.


You are sick from head to foot--covered with bruises, welts, and infected wounds--without any ointments or bandages.