The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant (ISAIAH 24:5)

Text: ISAIAH 24:1-23

Today's Devotion By Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

God is just. He rewards piety, faithfulness, dedication, commitment and righteousness. In His faithfulness, He does not spare the unrepentant sinner, the unrighteous, the wicked and all who prepay kindness with evil and wickedness.

God's indignation and fearful judgement is always towards the ungrateful: the rich, poor, freemen, bondmen, educated, illiterate, religious and irreligious "because they have transgressed the laws, changed ordinance and broken the everlasting covenant". Every unrighteousness is sin. God is not a respecter of persons or nations. "The wicked shall be turned into hell; and all the nations that forget God" (Psalm 9:17).

God's severe judgement is hanging on the neck of all who defy Him in spite of His goodness, mercies and loving kindness to them. Surely, He is good to all and in His magnanimity, He had endowed both man and land with rich deposits of His goodness. All of those who therefore dare God and use what He has given to them - material wealth, mineral resources, intellect, wisdom, knowledge, positions - in ways that desecrate His name and promote ungodliness are courting His fierce judgement.

Every human being is a free moral agent. God gave all liberty to use whatever He has given to us, including our life, in the way we choose. Our response to God's unquantifiable kindness will determine the kind of reward we should expect from Him now and in eternity. However, God's anger and indignation can be avoided by turning from all wicked ways, repenting from all known sins and turning to God through Jesus Christ.


What a man decides ultimately determines his destiny

Source: dailymanna.dclmhq.org