Amazing Protection

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. (Psalm 91:7)

Text: PSALM 91 :1-16

Today's Devotion By Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

An army lieutenant and his buddy were sent on an important and dangerous mission. Suddenly, the enemy appeared! The lieutenant prayed, ‘Lord, the responsibility is now yours’. A blast from the enemy struck him in the chest and bowled him over. His comrade thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Later, he wrote, ‘My buddy thought I was dead, and was amazed when I tried to get up. Dazedly, I took my Bible from my shirt pocket, over my heart. Silently I looked at the jagged hole  in  its cover. A bullet had ripped through to the ninety-first Psalm and stopped at the verse which reads, ’A thousand shall fall at thy side  but it shall not come nigh thee!’ In profound gratitude l said, ’Thank You, precious Lord!’

 Apart from the incident related above, many other stories about amazing and supernatural deliverances through the protection that can only come through the Lord Jesus abound. The psalmist highlighted the benefits of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High - that is, living under His protective care and doing His will always. This, according to the psalmist will bring about deliverance from evil arrows and darts of the wicked, long life, victory and peace. The testimony is the same as the Lord protected and shielded the Israelites from the many dangers in the wilderness and saw them through many barriers until they got to the Promised Land.

Life is filled with problems, some small and some great. Psalm 91 has been and continues to be a source of strength, hope, promise and encouragement. This means that you should not lose heart when you come to the end of your resources and the problem you face looms as large as ever. Be encouraged, because God is working out a deal greater than you can ever imagine. Remember Joseph.


The end of your ability is the beginning of God's divinity.
