Purpose-Driven Life

And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom (2 Chronicles 2:1)

Text: 2 CHRONICLES 2:1-10

Today's Devotion By Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

The most basic question everyone faces in life is "Why am I here"? "What is my purpose"? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren, the author of the book, "Purpose Driven Life" says the starting place must be with God and His eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God's purposes for putting us on earth.

From our text, king Solomon eventually began to fulfill his life purpose of building a temple to the great God of Israel. He was determined to fulfill this goal without highlighting and magnifying the difficulties around him. He requested assistance from Huram, the king of Tyre, in the cutting of cedar and algum trees which will be floated from Lebanon to Israel and the provision of an expert who can work on the temple utensils and vessels to bring the work to the desired standard. Solomon would in turn, send to Huram agricultural produce which will represent payment for the goods and services from Tyre.

Solomon knew that his life purpose was to build a befitting temple to the glory, honour and majesty of God. He therefore, must have spent quality time thinking and strategising on how this vision of building God a house can be realized. He had an attitude which brought him to the altitude he desired.

Fulfilling our God-given destiny cannot be by accident. Let's not sit down and wait for our life dreams and goals to happen by accident. Let's maintain the right attitude and seize every opportunity to drive our goals towards their achievement. God gives visions to individuals who will then seek helpers to help drive their vision to reality. Beloved, look out for those helpers and strike the iron while it is hot.


Stop looking for excuses; drive your vision with the right attitude

Source: dailymanna.dclmhq.org